2024 - Livros



Role-play (RP) is a technique for teaching communication and training interpersonal skills, known for its effective way of transmitting learning, in which simulation is one of its main distinguishing features. Social skills, moreover, are behaviors that involve the interpersonal relationship carried out in each social context. Although social skills training is consensually considered one of the most beneficial approaches to improving social functioning in individuals with mental illness, long-term motivation deficits diminish its effectiveness. Virtual reality technology effectively solves the motivation problem, providing a realistic and immersive experience that allows for role-playing of social skills. They provide presence and allow individuals to practice and enhance their social skills. The benefits of both RP and VR technology are clear, and the combination of the two has even greater potential. However, there is still a limited amount of research on the impact of VR in the practice of RP, so further investigation is crucial.



Stroke is the most common neurological disease and one of the most common fatal diseases in the world. Stroke patients suffer from several physical, cognitive, and sensory complications that impact their functionality and independence in daily activities and, consequently, can reduce their quality of life. Given this impact, it is important to assess the various ways to ensure effective and satisfactory rehabilitation for the stroke person. Virtual reality has been proven in recent times as a promising tool in stroke motor rehabilitation, being effective with its immersive elements and, at the same time, motivating patients. With all this in mind, this chapter aimed to analyze the current scientific evidence of Virtual Reality intervention for functional rehabilitation of stroke patients.

Título do capítulo: Virtual reality interventions to improve function after stroke

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation

Referência bibliográfica: Pereira, M., Oliveira, P., Gomes, M., Fernandes, Â., Portugal, P., & Coelho, T. (2024). Virtual Reality Interventions to Improve Function After Stroke. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 341–374). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-9251-2.ch016


Bullying refers to a specific form of violence that triggers anxiety and difficult social situations, and has now been identified as a problem at school age, a stage that is characterized by physical and socioemotional changes and challenges. The difficult situations that characterize bullying are possible to experience or relive through virtual reality. This can thus enable the resolution of these problems, since it provides, through a simulated environment, different stimuli, and evocations of real experiences. Thus, this chapter aims to understand how virtual reality can contribute to the prevention of bullying at school age. For this purpose, the authors address topics such as information and communication technologies; virtual reality; virtual reality in mental health, and virtual reality in bullying. The aim is to emphasize the importance of preventing bullying at school age and the consequent improvement in the quality of life of these individuals.

Título do capítulo: Virtual reality in bullying prevention at school age

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Cunha, A. F., Rocha, F., Silva, T. C., Faias, J., & Cruz, P. (2024). Virtual reality in bullying prevention at school age. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 326–340). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-9251-2.ch015


Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects approximately 1 in 100 children worldwide. Early diagnosis and family-clinician collaboration are crucial for effective intervention. Families often face difficulties accessing clinical services due to distance or logistics. The rise of COVID-19 has catalyzed the use of telehealth, offering remote health services, and mHealth technologies. Although beneficial, technology in ASD treatment requires specialized training and raises privacy concerns. Hence, a balanced approach combining in-person and tech-based interventions is needed for optimal ASD treatment.

Título do capítulo: Using technology as a support for autism spectrum disorder

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation

Referência bibliográfica: Coelho, C., Faias, J., Pinto, D., Silva, B., & Curvelo, M. (2024). Using technology as a support for autism spectrum disorder. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 293–325). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-9251-2.ch014


Access to mental healthcare is faced with many challenges and to address the needs of patients, socially assistive robots (SAR) have been used as an innovative therapeutic tool. The literature highlights a variety of relevant functions and benefits that these robots can serve, be it companion, coach, or play partner. This chapter aims to contribute to the current knowledge about SAR in mental health as a tool that could complement the support provided by professionals, identifying its barriers and facilitators. Despite the presence of certain barriers to their implementation (e.g., technical problems, professionals' resistance), social robot interventions generally show positive effects on patients with mental health conditions.


Título de capítulo: Use of socially assistive robots in mental health: Barriers and facilitators

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Ferreira, A. R. da R., Silva, M. G. M. M. D. S., Correia, M. de O., Almeida, R. S. de, Simões-Silva, V., & Trigueiro, M. J. (2024). Use of Socially Assistive Robots in Mental Health: Barriers and Facilitators. Em R. S. Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 269–292). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-9251-2.ch013


Dementia cases are rising along with the elderly population. Thus, alternative methods to pharmacological treatment are increasingly sought to improve the quality of life of these people. Among these interventions, the effects of music-based therapies (MBT) on the symptoms of dementia and the use of digital technologies to mediate and enhance non-pharmacological therapies are being increasingly studied. The use of MBT contributes to the reduction of neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia and is associated with the stimulation of specific cognitive functions. Meanwhile, digital technologies aim to support people living with dementia throughout their illness and are cited as a facilitator of non-pharmacological approaches to treat the non-cognitive aspects of dementia and stimulate cognitive functions. The authors discuss the aging process, and the use of digital technologies to enhance the use of music as a therapeutic resource in the non-pharmacological treatment of dementia syndromes, presenting the advantages and possibilities of bringing these two resources together.

Título do capítulo: Unlocking memories: Digital technologies as a resource to explore the therapeutic potential of music for individuals with dementia

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Lopes, I. F., Tertuliano, M. L., & Coelho, T. (2024). Unlocking Memories: Digital Technologies as a Resource to Explore the Therapeutic Potential of Music for Individuals With Dementia. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 246–268). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-9251-2.ch012


The phenomenon of global population aging incites a change in the thinking and practice of health professionals, who are increasingly looking for effective techniques aimed at this age group. Among the various biological, social, and psychological changes that occur in the aging process, changes in cognitive processes are one of the most prevalent manifestations. Thus, motivating and effective proposals should be implemented to train and rehabilitate these functions. Among these proposals, health-centered gamification has become a major trend and is increasingly studied. The authors propose in this chapter to discuss gamification in the rehabilitation of cognitive functions, especially memory in the elderly population, presenting the advantages and potentialities of serious games and gamification against the current scenario of cognitive stimulation, which requires innovative solutions to increase motivation and involvement of the elderly in the process.

Título do capítulo: Playing to improve memory: How serious games and gamification have contributed to the neurocognitive rehabilitation of the elderly

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Tertuliano, M. L., Lopes, I. F., Coelho, T., & Fernandes, Â. (2024). Playing to improve memory: How serious games and gamification have contributed to the neurocognitive rehabilitation of the elderly. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 187–207). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/playing-to-improve-memory/334913


Telehealth can be a convenient option, more adjustable to patients´ needs, and can improve access to services. However, its implementation often brings challenges. Open dialogue (OD) has the potential to address some of these barriers. Once implemented, OD is a person-centered, non-institutional, and non-medicalized approach that promotes patients’ rights and recovery. This chapter aims to introduce the OD approach and explore its potential in a remote setting. The focus will also be on the challenges of using telehealth for OD, providing recommendations on how it can be implemented and its requirements, and sharing patients´ and professionals’ experiences of network meetings on a more flexible and adapted version of this approach.

Título do capítulo: Open dialogue through telehealth: Exploring family and professionals experiences

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Ferreira, A. R. da R., de Sousa Silva, M. G. M. M., Correia, M. de O., & Campos, F. (2024). Open dialogue through telehealth: Exploring family and professionals experiences. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 162–186). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/open-dialogue-through-telehealth/334912


Hospitalized patients are often characterized by various stress factors that can have an impact on their mental health and hospital experience. Improving the quality of life of these bedridden patients is an important task by relieving their anxiety, reducing their pain, and encouraging them in their fight against disease. Virtual reality has already been proved to be a novel and promising tool to improve the quality of life of hospitalized patients. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to focus on studies that gave evidence to the feasibility of virtual reality relaxation therapies for hospitalized patients, which virtual reality relaxation therapies are most used, and the benefits and limitations of this type of intervention.


Título do capítulo: Exposure to immersive relaxing virtual environments for hospitalized patient

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Pereira, M., Oliveira, P., Gomes, M., & Sousa, S. de. (2024). Exposure to immersive relaxing virtual environments for hospitalized patients. Em R. S. Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 108–141). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/exposure-to-immersive-relaxing-virtual-environments-for-hospitalized-patients/334910


One of the many challenges of this urbanization is significantly reflected in the distribution of urban green spaces, which may still not meet the needs of all inhabitants and preclude the many benefits that urban green spaces bring to mental health. From this perspective, Shinrin-Yoku emerged a traditional Japanese practice known as forest therapy (FT) or forest bathing (FB), as a natural health treatment. Using virtual reality, in addition, makes it possible to reproduce scenarios or environments that, in certain contexts, it would be almost impossible to recreate in real life. Thus, VR can provide opportunities and allow many more people to benefit from the best therapies and positive outcomes. It’s important to note that the research on this union is still in its early stages, however, exploring this field represents, in many ways, a unique opportunity for healthcare, and would reach a wider population, providing the best possible therapy for everyone who could benefit from it.

Título do capítulo: Enter the virtual forest: exploring the benefits of forest therapy in a digital world

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation 

Referência bibliográfica: Soutelo, A. P., Sousa, A. R., Monteiro, M. L., Almeida, R. S. de, Simões-Silva, V., & Portugal, P. (2024). Enter the virtual forest: Exploring the benefits of forest therapy in a digital world. Em R. S. Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 84–107). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/enter-the-virtual-forest/334909


The period from childhood to adolescence is critical for mental health promotion, as it is estimated that, worldwide, approximately 10% to 20% of individuals in this age group have mental health problems that may lead to mental disorders that may persist throughout adulthood. Furthermore, recent studies show that mental health problems during childhood and adolescence contribute to a decrease in academic performance and an increase of risk-taking behaviors, self-injury, and suicide, with consequences into adulthood. Thus, preventing mental health problems in children and adolescents is essential to promote positive lifelong outcomes for young people. Schools are a privileged context for creating favorable environments for the implementation of mental health promotion programs, effectively and with long-term benefits. This context allows for an early intervention during the phase of development of socioemotional skills, thus enhancing the results of the programs themselves, contributing to the healthy development of children and youth and to a higher academic achievement of students.

Título do capítulo: Digital mental health interventions for children and youth

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation

Referência bibliográfica: Machado, A. S., Ferreira, B., Pereira, C. Y., Carrola, C., Melo, B. B. V. de, & Campos, C. (2024). Digital mental health interventions for children and youth. Em R. S. Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 20–47). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/digital-mental-health-interventions-for-children-and-youth/334906


Heart failure is a highly prevalent clinical syndrome, associated with high costs to the national health system and with a negative impact on patients’ quality of life. In order to reduce mortality, the rate of hospitalisations and improve quality of life, the empowerment of the patient for self-care from self-monitoring of signs and symptoms, taking medication, education about the disease, is a pillar of the treatment so that they can recognise signs of exacerbation of the disease in time and resort to health services early. Mobile health apps (mHealthh) have shown promise as a tool to engage and promote patient self-care, decreasing mortality and hospitalisations. However, to improve outcomes, more robust studies are needed on the development of the applications with regard to their contents, functions and usability, so as to overcome the obstacles to their use and ensure greater evidence of the benefits of their use.

Título: Telemonitoring in heart failure patient management

Livro: Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation

Referência bibliográfica: Silva, P., Gomes, P. V., Condeço, J. M., Curado, H., & Veloso, R. (2024). Telemonitoring in heart failure patient management. Em R. S. de Almeida, V. Simões-Silva, & M. J. Trigueiro (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation (pp. 228–245). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/telemonitoring-in-heart-failure-patient-management/334915

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