Entrada > Schools > ISEP > Informatics Engineering

Informatics Engineering

Informatics Engineering at ISEP takes a distinctive approach to learning, in order to produce high quality software engineers that are highly sought by the market. ISEP it is a member of the CDIO ...

Informatics Engineering at ISEP takes a distinctive approach to learning, in order to produce high quality software engineers that are highly sought by the market. ISEP it is a member of the CDIO consortium (www.cdio.org) and Informatics Engineering is the CDIO flagship program at ISEP.

Engineering is about making things, thus students at ISEP have a solid practical experience, with a group project at the end of each semester and a capstone project/internship at the end of the program.


We have a special track in English (all courses) for foreign students and some portuguese students.


N.º Despacho/Portaria: 12 806/2006
1º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 1st Semester
Algorithmic and Programming 1st Semester
Mathematical Analysis 1st Semester
Laboratory/Project I 1st Semester
Principles of Computing 1st Semester
Software Engineering 2st Semester
Laboratory/Project II 2st Semester
Computational Mathematics 2st Semester
Discrete Mathematics 2st Semester
Programming Paradigms 2st Semester
2º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Computer Architecture 1st Semester
Databases 1st Semester
Information Structures 1st Semester
Applied Physics 1st Semester
Laboratory/Project III 1st Semester
Applications Engineering 2st Semester
Laboratory/Project IV 2st Semester
Languages and Programming 2st Semester
Computational Networks 2st Semester
Computational Systems 2st Semester
3º Ano
Unidade curricular Período ECTS
Systems Administration 1st Semester
Advanced Algorithms 1st Semester
Systems Architecture 1st Semester
Management 1st Semester
Laboratory/Project V 1st Semester
Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Graphical Systems and Interaction 1st Semester
Organizational Behaviour 2st Semester
Advanced Computing 2st Semester
Artificial Intelligence 2st Semester
Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester

A informação disponibilizada nesta página não dispensa a consulta do Website de acesso ao ensino superior do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior - http://www.dges.gov.pt/pt

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