2020 - Artigos

Produção científica de docentes e investigadores da ESS | P. PORTO para o ano de 2020.


To test whether a single or composite set of parameters evaluated with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), representing retinal capillary closure, can predict non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) staging according to the gold standard ETDRS grading scheme. 105 patients with diabetes, either without retinopathy or with different degrees of retinopathy (NPDR up to ETDRS grade 53), were prospectively evaluated using swept-source OCTA (SS-OCTA, PlexElite, Carl Zeiss Meditec) with 15×9 mm and 3×3 mm angiography protocols. Seven-field photographs of the fundus were obtained for ETDRS staging. Eyes from age-matched healthy subjects were also imaged as control. In eyes of patients with type 2 diabetes without retinopathy or ETDRS levels 20 and 35, retinal capillary closure was in the macular area, with predominant alterations in the parafoveal retinal circulation (inner ring). Retinal capillary closure in ETDRS stages 43-53 becomes predominant in the retinal midperiphery with vessel density average values of 25.2±7.9 (p=0.001) in ETDRS 43 and 23.5±3.4 (p=0.001) in ETDRS 47-53, when evaluating extended areas of 15×9 protocol. Combination of acquisition protocols 3×3 mm and 15×9 mm, using SS-OCTA, allows discrimination between eyes with mild NPDR (ETDRS 10, 20, 35) and eyes with moderate-to-severe NPDR (ETDRS grades 43-53). Retinal capillary closure, quantified by SS-OCTA, can identify NPDR severity progression. It is located mainly in the perifoveal retinal capillary circulation in the initial stages of NPDR, whereas the retinal midperiphery is predominantly affected in moderate-to-severe NPDR.

Título: Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR

Revista: British Journal of Ophthalmology

JCR: 4.638

Referência bibliográfica: Santos, T., Warren, L. H., Santos, A. R., Marques, I. P., Kubach, S., Mendes, L. G., Sisternes, L., Madeira, M. H., Durbin, M., & Cunha-Vaz, J. G. (2020). Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR. The British journal of ophthalmology, 106(5), 712–718. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317890


Aging is an inevitable process that involves changes across life in multiple neurochemical, neuroanatomical, hormonal systems, and many others. In addition, these biological modifications lead to an increase in age-related sickness such as cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative disorders, and sleep disturbances, among others that affect activities of daily life. Demographic projections have demonstrated that aging will increase its worldwide rate in the coming years. The research on chronic diseases of the elderly is important to gain insights into this growing global burden. Novel therapeutic approaches aimed for treatment of age-related pathologies have included the endocannabinoid system as an effective tool since this biological system shows beneficial effects in preclinical models. However, and despite these advances, little has been addressed in the arena of the endocannabinoid system as an option for treating sleep disorders in aging since experimental evidence suggests that some elements of the endocannabinoid system modulate the sleep-wake cycle. This article addresses this less-studied field, focusing on the likely perspective of the implication of the endocannabinoid system in the regulation of sleep problems reported in the aged. We conclude that beneficial effects regarding the putative efficacy of the endocannabinoid system as therapeutic tools in aging is either inconclusive or still missing.

Título: The Endocannabinoid System May Modulate Sleep Disorders in Aging

Revista: Current Neuropharmacology

JCR: 4.668

Referência bibliográfica: Murillo-Rodríguez, E., Budde, H., Veras, A. B., Rocha, N. B., Telles-Correia, D., Monteiro, D., Cid, L., Yamamoto, T., Machado, S., & Torterolo, P. (2020). The Endocannabinoid System May Modulate Sleep Disorders in Aging. Current neuropharmacology, 18(2), 97–108. https://doi.org/10.2174/1570159X17666190801155922


The aim of this study was investigate the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) on volume load and ratings of perceived exertion. Fifteen young healthy individuals, aged between 20 and 30 years in advanced strength training were recruited. Test and retest of the 10 maximum repetitions (10RM) were performed to determine the reliability of load used. Subjects performed 3 experimental conditions in a randomized, double-blinded crossover design: anodic stimulation (a-tDCS), cathodic stimulation (c-tDCS), and sham (2 mA for 20 minutes targeting the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex left). Immediately after the experimental conditions, subjects completed 1 set of maximum repetitions with 10RM load (volume load) and answered to OMNI-RES (poststimulation) (level of significance p ≤ 0.05). The volume load showed main effect for condition (F(2, 28) = 164.801; p < 0.001). In poststimulation, a-tDCS was greater than c-tDCS (p ≤ 0.001) and sham (p ≤ 0.001). For ratings of perceived exertion (OMNI-RES), the results showed main effect for condition (F(2, 28) = 9.768; p ≤ 0.05). In poststimulation, c-tDCS was greater than a-tDCS (p ≤ 0.05) and sham (p ≤ 0.05). We conclude that the use of a-tDCS may promote increase in volume load for the LP45 exercise. Moreover, higher volume loads are necessary to maximize muscle strength and anabolism.

Título: Effects on volume load and ratings of perceived exertion in individuals advanced weight-training after transcranial direct current stimulation

Revista: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 

JCR: 2.973

Referência bibliográfica: Lattari, E., Rosa Filho, B. J., Fonseca Junior, S. J., Murillo-Rodriguez, E., Rocha, N., Machado, S., & Maranhão Neto, G. A. (2020). Effects on Volume Load and Ratings of Perceived Exertion in Individuals' Advanced Weight Training After Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. Journal of strength and conditioning research, 34(1), 89–96. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000002434


A variety of different scales have been used to measure the intensity of pain in osteopathic-specific clinical studies; however, the criteria for the options are not always clear or reported. To compare the different questionnaires used by researchers for assessing the intensity of pain in clinical trials in osteopathy and analyse the reasons for their choice. Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted using 7 electronic databases (SCOPUS, Cochrane Central, MEDLINE, PEDro, OSTMED.DR, ScienceDirect, and Web of Science) for Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) articles, studying the efficacy/effectiveness of Osteopathic Manipulative Treatment (OMT) in reducing pain intensity. Only articles in English from 2012 to 2019 were selected. We used the Jadad score to assess the risk of bias. 130 studies were initially identified with a total of 26 included in this review. Sixteen studies used the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), four the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), the remaining used other options. Researchers did not always provide an appropriate justification for their chosen evaluation instrument. The overall quality of the studies was considered moderate. Researchers in the field of osteopathy and other health care professions should provide a clear rationale for their chosen tools for measuring the intensity of pain, and these should align with the study design and objectives.

Título: Instrumentation used to assess pain in osteopathic interventions: A critical literature review

Revista: International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine

JCR: 1.208

Referência bibliográfica: Santiago, R. J., Esteves, J., Baptista, J. S., Marques, A. T., & Costa, J. T. (2020). Instrumentation used to assess pain in osteopathic interventions: A critical literature review. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 37, 25–33. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijosm.2020.05.007


To test whether a single or composite set of parameters evaluated with optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), representing retinal capillary closure, can predict non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) staging according to the gold standard ETDRS grading scheme. 105 patients with diabetes, either without retinopathy or with different degrees of retinopathy (NPDR up to ETDRS grade 53), were prospectively evaluated using swept-source OCTA (SS-OCTA, PlexElite, Carl Zeiss Meditec) with 15×9 mm and 3×3 mm angiography protocols. Seven-field photographs of the fundus were obtained for ETDRS staging. Eyes from age-matched healthy subjects were also imaged as control. In eyes of patients with type 2 diabetes without retinopathy or ETDRS levels 20 and 35, retinal capillary closure was in the macular area, with predominant alterations in the parafoveal retinal circulation (inner ring). Retinal capillary closure in ETDRS stages 43-53 becomes predominant in the retinal midperiphery with vessel density average values of 25.2±7.9 (p=0.001) in ETDRS 43 and 23.5±3.4 (p=0.001) in ETDRS 47-53, when evaluating extended areas of 15×9 protocol. Combination of acquisition protocols 3×3 mm and 15×9 mm, using SS-OCTA, allows discrimination between eyes with mild NPDR (ETDRS 10, 20, 35) and eyes with moderate-to-severe NPDR (ETDRS grades 43-53). Retinal capillary closure, quantified by SS-OCTA, can identify NPDR severity progression. It is located mainly in the perifoveal retinal capillary circulation in the initial stages of NPDR, whereas the retinal midperiphery is predominantly affected in moderate-to-severe NPDR.

Título: Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR

Revista: British Journal of Ophthalmology

JCR: 4.638

Referência bibliográfica: Santos, T., Warren, L. H., Santos, A. R., Marques, I. P., Kubach, S., Mendes, L. G., Sisternes, L., Madeira, M. H., Durbin, M., & Cunha-Vaz, J. G. (2020). Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR. The British journal of ophthalmology, 106(5), 712–718. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317890


Capa da revista British Journal of Ophtalmology, volume 106, edição 5 - Maio 2022

Retinopathy (NPDR up to ETDRS grade 53), were prospectively evaluated using swept-source OCTA (SS-OCTA, PlexElite, Carl Zeiss Meditec) with 15×9 mm and 3×3 mm angiography protocols. Seven-field photographs of the fundus were obtained for ETDRS staging. Eyes from age-matched healthy subjects were also imaged as control. In eyes of patients with type 2 diabetes without retinopathy or ETDRS levels 20 and 35, retinal capillary closure was in the macular area, with predominant alterations in the parafoveal retinal circulation (inner ring). Retinal capillary closure in ETDRS stages 43-53 becomes predominant in the retinal midperiphery with vessel density average values of 25.2±7.9 (p=0.001) in ETDRS 43 and 23.5±3.4 (p=0.001) in ETDRS 47-53, when evaluating extended areas of 15×9 protocol. Combination of acquisition protocols 3×3 mm and 15×9 mm, using SS-OCTA, allows discrimination between eyes with mild NPDR (ETDRS 10, 20, 35) and eyes with moderate-to- severe NPDR (ETDRS grades 43-53). Retinal capillary closure, quantified by SS-OCTA, can identify NPDR severity progression. It is located mainly in the perifoveal retinal capillary circulation in the initial stages of NPDR, whereas the retinal midperiphery is predominantly affected in moderate-to-severe NPDR.

Título: Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR

JCR: 4.638 (2020)

Revista: British Journal of Ophtalmology

Referência bibliográfica: Santos, T., Warren, L. H., Santos, A. R., Marques, I. P., Kubach, S., Mendes, L. G., Sisternes, L., Madeira, M. H., Durbin, M., & Cunha-Vaz, J. G. (2020). Swept-source OCTA quantification of capillary closure predicts ETDRS severity staging of NPDR. The British journal of ophthalmology, 106(5), 712–718. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjophthalmol-2020-317890


Capa da revista PsychotherapyAlliance may impact psychotherapy outcomes both as a precondition that enables therapeutic work and an evolving process that is therapeutic in itself. This study examined the participation of the elaboration of countertransference experience (ECE) in alliance variation between therapistclient dyads early in therapy and within dyads over time. A total of 44 session assessments nested within 12 dyads were modeled through longitudinal multilevel analyses and utilized to examine the associations between the ECE dimensions of Immersion and Reflection and alliance components across 4 time points within the first 10 sessions of

psychotherapy. Results supported the importance of initial ECE to explain differences and examine the participation of ECE in the resolution of alliance ruptures.

Título: Elaboration of countertransference experience and the workings of the working aliance

JCR: 6.596 (2020)

Revista: Psychotherapy

Referência bibliográfica: Barreto, J. F., & Matos, P. M. (2020). Elaboration of countertransference experience and the workings of the working alliance. Psychotherapy, 57, 141-150. https://doi.org/10.1037/pst0000250

Título: Baseline Characterization of Retinal Vascular Disease in Eyes with Mild to Moderate Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) in Diabetes Type 2, Using Novel Non-Invasive Imaging Methods, in a Longitudinal, Prospective and Interventional 2-Year Clinical Study (Cordis)

JCR: 1.642 (2019)

Revista: European Journal of Ophthalmology

Referência Bibliográfica: Ribeiro, M., Marques, I. P., Santos, A. R., Coimbra, R., Santos, T., Figueira, J., & Cunha-Vaz, J. G. (2020, Nov). Baseline Characterization of Retinal Vascular Disease in Eyes with Mild to Moderate Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) in Diabetes Type 2, Using Novel Non-Invasive Imaging Methods, in a Longitudinal, Prospective and Interventional 2-Year Clinical Study (Cordis) [Meeting Abstract]. European Journal of Ophthalmology, 30(1_SUPPL), 21-21. https://doi.org/10.1177/1120672120961310


Título: Effect of shock wave therapy associated with aerobic exercise on cellulite: A randomized controlled trial

JCR: 1.621 (2019)

Editora: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 

Referência Bibliográfica: Troia, S., Moreira, A. M., Pisco, D., Noites, A., Vale, A. L., Carvalho, P., & Vilarinho, R. Effect of shock wave therapy associated with aerobic exercise on cellulite: A randomized controlled trial [Article; Early Access]. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 11. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.13791


Título: Exploitation of Filamentous and Picoplanktonic Cyanobacteria for Cosmetic Applications: Potential to Improve Skin Structure and Preserve Dermal Matrix Components 

JCR: 4.073 (2019)

Revista: Marine Drugs

Referência Bibliográfica: Morone, J., Lopes, G., Preto, M., Vasconcelos, V., & Martins, R. (2020). Exploitation of Filamentous and Picoplanktonic Cyanobacteria for Cosmetic Applications: Potential to Improve Skin Structure and Preserve Dermal Matrix Components. Marine Drugs, 18(9), 486. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-3397/18/9/486


Título: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Oncological Molecular Diagnosis: A Picture from a National Reference Center for Molecular Pathology

JCR: 2.276 (2019)

Revista: BioMed Research International

Daniel, P., Cirnes, L., Regina, P., Pina, M. J., Troncone, G., & Schmitt, F. (2020, 2020/10/05). How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacted Oncological Molecular Diagnosis: A Picture from a National Reference Center for Molecular Pathology. BioMed Research International, 2020, 8397053. https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8397053


Título: Effects of single and combined exposures of gold (nano versus ionic form) and gemfibrozil in a liver organ culture of Sparus aurata

JCR: 4.049 (2019)

Revista: Marine Pollution Bulletin

Referência Bibliográfica: Barreto, A., Carvalho, A., Silva, D., Pinto, E., Almeida, A., Paíga, P., Correira-Sá, L., Delerue-Matos, C., Trindade, T., Soares, A. M. V. M., Hylland, K., Loureiro, S., & Oliveira, M. (2020, 2020/11/01/). Effects of single and combined exposures of gold (nano versus ionic form) and gemfibrozil in a liver organ culture of Sparus aurata. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 160, 111665. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2020.111665


Título: Optimal Multi-Field Functional Electrical Stimulation Parameters for the “Turn on the Light” Task and Related Upper Limb Kinematics Repeatability in Post Stroke Subjects 

JCR: 3.098 (2019)

Revista: Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Referência Bibliográfica: Sousa, A. S. P., Mesquita, I. A., Costa da Silva, C. I., Silva, A., Macedo, R., Imatz-Ojanguren, E., Hernandez, E., Keller, T., Moreira, J., Pereira da Fonseca, P. F., & Santos, R. (2020, 2020/11/27/). Optimal Multi-Field Functional Electrical Stimulation Parameters for the “Turn on the Light” Task and Related Upper Limb Kinematics Repeatability in Post Stroke Subjects. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmr.2020.10.135


Título: Recognizing Emotions through Facial Expressions: A Largescale Experimental Study

JCR: 2.849 (2019)

Revista: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 

Dores, A. R., Barbosa, F., Queirós, C., Carvalho, I. P., & Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Recognizing Emotions through Facial Expressions: A Largescale Experimental Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(20). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17207420


Título: Sensory stimulation programs in dementia: a systematic review of methods and effectiveness

JCR: 3.743 (2019)

Revista: Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics

Referência Bibliográfica: Pinto, J. O., Dores, A. R., Geraldo, A., Peixoto, B., & Barbosa, F. (2020, 2020/12/01). Sensory stimulation programs in dementia: a systematic review of methods and effectiveness. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 20(12), 1229-1247. https://doi.org/10.1080/14737175.2020.1825942


O artigo apresenta uma revisão das características metodológicas e dos efeitos dos programas de estimulação sensorial na Lesão Encefálica Adquirida, nomeadamente a fase de recuperação em que os programas são aplicados, a dose usual, os métodos mais frequentemente utilizados e os sentidos estimulados. Para além disso, analisa os instrumentos de avaliação mais utilizados e os efeitos destas intervenções na Lesão Encefálica Adquirida. Fornece informação útil para melhorar a reabilitação e orientar investigações futuras.

Título: Systematic Review of Sensory Stimulation Programs in the Rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Injury

JCR: 2.907 (2019)

Revista: European Psychologist

Referência Bibliográfica: Pinto, J., Dores, A. R.*, Peixoto, B., Geraldo, A., & Barbosa, F. (2020). Systematic review of sensory stimulation programs in the rehabilitation of Acquired Brain Injury. European Psychologist. 0 0:0, 1-21 https://doi.org/10.1027/1016-9040/a000421

*Artemisa Rocha Dores


O principal objetivo deste estudo foi produzir dados normativos para português europeu de dois testes neuropsicológicos amplamente utilizados para avaliar a aprendizagem e a memória: o Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) e o Teste da Figura Complexa de Rey – Osterrieth.

Os dados normativos são apresentados como algoritmos baseados em regressão para calcular as pontuações diretas e transformadas de acordo com a idade, educação e sexo. Este estudo fornece uma calculadora de dados normativos derivados dos resultados dos modelos de regressão.

Título: Regression-Based Norms for the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised and the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure in a Portuguese Adult Population

JCR: 2.154 (2019)

Revista: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

Referência Bibliográfica: Selene G Vicente, Daniela Ramos-Usuga, Fernando Barbosa, Nuno Gaspar, Artemisa R Dores, Diego Rivera, Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla, Regression-Based Norms for the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised and the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure in a Portuguese Adult Population, Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, acaa087, https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acaa087   


Título: “Clicking” an Ionic Liquid to a Potent Antimicrobial Peptide: On the Route towards Improved Stability

JCR: 4.556 (2019)

Revista: International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Gomes, A., Bessa, L. J., Correia, P., Fernandes, I., Ferraz, R., Gameiro, P., Teixeira, C., & Gomes, P. (2020). “Clicking” an Ionic Liquid to a Potent Antimicrobial Peptide: On the Route towards Improved Stability. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(17). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21176174


Título: Building on Surface-Active Ionic Liquids for the Rescuing of the Antimalarial Drug Chloroquine

JCR: 4.556 (2019)

Revista: International Journal of Molecular Sciences

Silva, A. T., Lobo, L., Oliveira, I. S., Gomes, J., Teixeira, C., Nogueira, F., Marques, E. F., Ferraz, R., & Gomes, P. (2020). Building on Surface-Active Ionic Liquids for the Rescuing of the Antimalarial Drug Chloroquine. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21(15). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21155334


Título: Associations between Trace Elements and Cognitive Decline: An Exploratory 5-Year Follow-Up Study of an Elderly Cohort

JCR: 2.849 (2019)

Revista: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Gerardo, B., Cabral Pinto, M., Nogueira, J., Pinto, P., Almeida, A., Pinto, E., Marinho-Reis, P., Diniz, L., Moreira, P. I., Simões, M. R., & Freitas, S. (2020). Associations between Trace Elements and Cognitive Decline: An Exploratory 5-Year Follow-Up Study of an Elderly Cohort. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(17). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17176051


TítuloAllergic rhinitis characterization in community pharmacy customers: a cross‑sectional study

 JCR: 1.616 (2019)

Revista: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy

Referência Bibliográfica: Guedes, H., Morgado, M., Rodrigues, M., Cruz, A., Fonseca, C., Costa, E., & Araujo, A. R. T. S. (2020, 2020/09/20). Allergic rhinitis characterization in community pharmacy customers: a cross-sectional study. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacyhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s11096-020-01115-z


Título: Phenotypic Analysis of Urothelial Exfoliated Cells in Bladder Cancer via Microfluidic Immunoassays: Sialyl-Tn as a Novel Biomarker in Liquid Biopsies

JCR: 4.848 (2919)

Revista: Frontiers in Oncology

Referência Bibliográfica: Carvalho, S., Abreu, C. M., Ferreira, D., Lima, L., Ferreira, J. A., Santos, L. L., Ribeiro, R., Grenha, V., Martínez-Fernández, M., Duenas, M., Suárez-Cabrera, C., Paramio, J. M., Diéguez, L., Freitas, P. P., & Oliveira, M. I. (2020, 2020-September-16). Phenotypic Analysis of Urothelial Exfoliated Cells in Bladder Cancer via Microfluidic Immunoassays: Sialyl-Tn as a Novel Biomarker in Liquid Biopsies [Original Research]. Frontiers in Oncology, 10(1774). https://doi.org/10.3389/fonc.2020.01774


Título: Not All Words Are Equally Acquired: Transitional Probabilities and Instructions Affect the Electrophysiological Correlates of Statistical Learning

JCR: 2.673 (2019)

Revista: Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Referência Bibliográfica: Soares, A. P., Gutiérrez-Domínguez, F.-J., Vasconcelos, M., Oliveira, H. M., Tomé, D., & Jiménez, L. (2020, 2020-September-23). Not All Words Are Equally Acquired: Transitional Probabilities and Instructions Affect the Electrophysiological Correlates of Statistical Learning [Original Research]. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14(387). https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2020.577991


Título: Feasibility of a mobile app to improve inhaler adherence in real-world patients with asthma: A multicentre observational study in Portugal and Spain

JCR: 8.706 (2019)

Revista: Abstracts from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Digital Congress, 06–08 June 2020

Referência Bibliográfica: Jacome, C., Almeida, R., Amaral, R., Pereira, A. M., Vidal, C., Freire, S. L., Brea, P. M., Antolin-Amerigo, D., Caballer, B. D., Castro, A. B., De Olano, D. G., Bom, A. T., Azevedo, J., Pinto, P. L., Neuparth, N., Bom, F. T., Costa, A., Loureiro, C. C., Santos, L. M., Arrobas, A., Valerio, M., Cardoso, J., Emiliano, M., Gerardo, R., Rodrigues, J. C. C., Oliveira, G., Carvalho, J., Mendes, A., Lozoya, C., Santos, N., Menezes, F., Gomes, R., Camara, R., Alves, R. R., Moreira, A. S., Bordalo, D., Alves, C., Coelho, D., Ferreira, J. A., Lopes, C., Silva, D., Vasconcelos, M. J., Teixeira, M. F., Taborda-Barata, L., Calix, M. J., Alves, A., & Fonseca, J. A. (2020, Aug). Feasibility of a mobile app to improve inhaler adherence in real-world patients with asthma: A multicentre observational study in Portugal and Spain [Meeting Abstract]. Allergy, 75, 372-373. <Go to ISI>://WOS:000566847301130


Título: Biometrics and quality of life of lymphoma patients: A longitudinal mixed‐model approach

JCR: 1.505 (2019)

Revista: Special issue on intelligent biomedical data analysis and processing

Referência Bibliográfica: Oliveira, A., Silva, E., Aguiar, J., Faria, B. M., Reis, L. P., Cardoso, H., Gonçalves, J., Oliveira e Sá, J., Carvalho, V., & Marques, H. (2020, 2020/10/05). Biometrics and quality of life of lymphoma patients: A longitudinal mixed-model approach [https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12640]. Expert Systems, n/a(n/a), e12640. https://doi.org/10.1111/exsy.12640


Título: The Auditory N1 in Schizophrenia: Comparative Analysis with a Monoaural Stimuli Paradigm

JCR: 0.764 (2019)

Revista: Psychiatria Danubina

Referência Bibliográfica: Mota, A., Tomé, D., Campos, C., & Rocha, N. (2020, Summer). The Auditory N1 in Schizophrenia: Comparative Analysis with a Monoaural Stimuli Paradigm. Psychiatr Danub, 32(2), 210-213. https://doi.org/10.24869/psyd.2020.210


Título: The emergency reaction questionnaire – First steps towards a new method

JCR: 2.896 (2019)

Revista: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

Referência Bibliográfica: Zsido, A. N., Csokasi, K., Vincze, O., & Coelho, C. M. (2020, 2020/10/01/). The emergency reaction questionnaire – First steps towards a new method. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 49, 101684. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2020.101684


Título: Preoperative localisation techniques in breast conservative surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis

JCR: 2.521 (2019)

Revista: Surgical Oncology

Referência Bibliográfica: Moreira, I. C., Ventura, S. R., Ramos, I., Fougo, J. L., & Rodrigues, P. P. (2020, 2020/12/01/). Preoperative localisation techniques in breast conservative surgery: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Surgical Oncology, 35, 351-373. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.suronc.2020.09.004


Título: Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management practices in micro- and small-sized enterprises: The case of the Portuguese waste management sector

JCR: 4.105 (2019)

Revista: Safety Science

Referência Bibliográfica: Rodrigues, M. A., Sá, A., Masi, D., Oliveira, A., Boustras, G., Leka, S., & Guldenmund, F. (2020, 2020/09/01/). Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management practices in micro- and small-sized enterprises: The case of the Portuguese waste management sector. Safety Science, 129, 104794. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104794


Título: The Acute Effects of Manual and Instrument-Assisted Cervical Spine Manipulation on Pressure Pain Threshold, Pressure Pain Perception, and Muscle-Related Variables in Asymptomatic Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Trial

JCR: 1.230 (2019)

Revista: Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics

Referência Bibliográfica: Nogueira, N., Oliveira-Campelo, N., Lopes, A., Torres, R., Sousa, A. S. P., & Ribeiro, F. (2020, Mar-Apr). The Acute Effects of Manual and Instrument-Assisted Cervical Spine Manipulation on Pressure Pain Threshold, Pressure Pain Perception, and Muscle-Related Variables in Asymptomatic Subjects: A Randomized Controlled Trial [Article]. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 43(3), 179-188. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmpt.2019.05.007


O artigo apresenta o Branched Programmed Neurocognitive Training (BPNT), um enquadramento teórico que fornece um racional para o planeamento individualizado do treino neurocognitivo baseado nos resultados da avaliação neuropsicológica. O BPNT é inspirado nos modelos de ensino programado e no modelo neurocognitivo de Luria e pode ser usado como um algoritmo para o desenvolvimento e adaptação de programas de papel e lápis, bem como de plataformas de reabilitação computadorizada.

Título: Programmed neurocognitive training: proposal of a new approach

Revista: Disability and Rehabilitation

JCR: 2.222 (2019)

Referência bibliográfica: Pinto, J. O., Dores, A. R., Peixoto, B., & Barbosa, F. (2020). Programmed neurocognitive training: proposal of a new approach. Disability and Rehabilitation, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2020.1838631


Este estudo apresenta dados normativos portugueses para a identificação de sete expressões faciais de emoções (mais uma face neutra), na Radboud Faces Database (RaFD). Foram também analisados o efeito do género dos participantes e o sexo dos modelos no reconhecimento de emoções.

Os resultados evidenciam altos níveis de reconhecimento das expressões faciais apresentadas, indicando que a RaFD fornece estímulos adequados para estudos que analisem o reconhecimento de expressões faciais de emoções.

Título: Recognizing Emotions through Facial Expressions: A Largescale Experimental

Revista: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

Referência bibliográfica: Dores, A. R., Barbosa, F., Queirós, C., Carvalho, I. P., Griffiths, M. D. (2020). Recognizing Emotions through Facial Expressions: A Largescale Experimental. Study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 7420. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17207420


Título: Exploitation of Filamentous and Picoplanktonic Cyanobacteria for Cosmetic Applications: Potential to Improve Skin Structure and Preserve Dermal Matrix Components

JCR:  4.073(2019)

Revista: Marine Drugs

Referência bibliográfica: Morone J, Lopes G, Preto M, Vasconcelos V, Martins R. Exploitation of Filamentous and Picoplanktonic Cyanobacteria for Cosmetic Applications: Potential to Improve Skin Structure and Preserve Dermal Matrix Components. Marine Drugs. 2020; 18(9):486. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-3397/18/9/486


Este artigo reflete mais um resultado da investigação que o Grupo Stress e Emoções do Laboratório de Reabilitação Psicossocial da Escola Superior de Saúde do Politécnico do Porto e da Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto têm vindo a desenvolver ao longo dos anos, relacionado com a avaliação, monitorização e desenvolvimento de estratégias de  gestão de stress e burnout em profissionais que intervém em incidentes críticos, no caso particular das forças policiais. 

Título: Job stress, Burnout and coping in Police Officers: Relationships and psychometric properties of the organizational police stress questionnaire

Revista: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

JCR:2.849 (2019)

Referência: Queirós, C., Passos, F., Bártolo, A., Faria, S., Fonseca, S. M., Marques, A. J., Silva C.F., & Pereira, A. (2020). Job stress, Burnout and coping in Police Officers: Relationships and psychometric properties of the organizational police stress questionnaire. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18).https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17186718


Título: Comparison between two databases regarding the classification of Drug Interactions and their mechanism of action

Revista: European Journal of Public Health

JCR: 2.391 (2019)

Referência: Fernandes, D., & Jesus, A. (2020, Jun). Comparison between two databases regarding the classification of Drug Interactions and their mechanism of action [Meeting Abstract]. European Journal of Public Health, 30, 1. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa040.016


Título: Determination of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor antagonist BIBP 3226 and evaluation of receptor expression based on liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry

Revista: Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry

JCR: 3.637 (2019)

Referência: Barreiros, L., Silva, E. M. P., Alencastre, I. S., Lamghari, M., & Segundo, M. A. (2020, Jul 29). Determination of neuropeptide Y Y1 receptor antagonist BIBP 3226 and evaluation of receptor expression based on liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistryhttps://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-020-02825-z


Título: Effect of a therapeutic exercise program (FisioPausa) on the quality of life of employees from CESPU

Revista: European Journal of Public Health

JCR: 2.391 (2019)

Referência: Rocha, P., Araujo, F., Lafourcade, E., Callais, N., Gabriele, M., & Lopes, S. (2020, Jun). Effect of a therapeutic exercise program (FisioPausa) on the quality of life of employees from CESPU [Meeting Abstract]. European Journal of Public Health, 30, 1. https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa040.007


Título: Early-life stress affects drug abuse susceptibility in adolescent rat model independently of depression vulnerability

Revista: Scientific Reports

JCR: 3.998 (2019)

Referência: Alves, R. L., Oliveira, P., Lopes, I. M., Portugal, C. C., Alves, C. J., Barbosa, F., Summavielle, T., & Magalhaes, A. (2020, Aug). Early-life stress affects drug abuse susceptibility in adolescent rat model independently of depression vulnerability [Article]. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 11, Article 13326. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-70242-4


Título:  Comprehensive Assessment ofTERTmRNA Expression across a Large Cohort of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Tumours

Revista: Cancers

JCR:  6.126 (2019)

Referência: Pestana, A., Batista, R., Celestino, R., Canberk, S., Sobrinho-Simoes, M., & Soares, P. (2020, Jul). Comprehensive Assessment ofTERTmRNA Expression across a Large Cohort of Benign and Malignant Thyroid Tumours [Article]. Cancers, 12(7), 17, Article 1846. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers12071846


Foi publicado numa edição especial intitulada “Phage Therapy, Lysin Therapy, and Antibiotics, a Trio Due to Come” da revista” Antibiotics um estudo da autoria de Ricardo Ferraz (CISA-ESS | P. PORTO, LAQV-REQUIMTE), Cristina Prudêncio (i3S-UP e CISA-ESS | P. PORTO), Mónica Vieira (i3S-UP e CISA-ESS | P. PORTO) em colaboração com o aluno de Erasmus Seppe Van der Auweraer da Odisee Hogeschool da Bélgica. Neste trabalho pretendeu-se fazer uma revisão sobre o tema de como se pode reciclar antibióticos usando líquidos iónicos. 

Título: Recycling Old Antibiotics with Ionic Liquids

Revista: Antibiotics

JCR: 3.893 (2018)

Referência Bibliográfica: Prudêncio, C., Vieira, M., der Auweraer, S., Ferraz, R. (2020) Recycling old antibiotics with ionic liquids. Antibiotics. https://hdl.handle.net/10216/143546



Título:  Microglia Dysfunction Caused by the Loss of Rhoa Disrupts Neuronal Physiology and Leads to Neurodegeneration

Revista: Cell Reports

JCR: 8.109 (2019)

Referência: Socodato, R., Portuga, C. C., Canedo, T., Rodrigues, A., Almeida, T. O., Henriques, J. F., Vaz, S. H., Magalhaes, J., Silva, C. M., Baptista, F. I., Alves, R. L., Coelho-Santos, V., Silva, A. P., Paes-de-Carvalho, R., Magalhaes, A., Brakebusch, C., Sebastiao, A. M., Summavielle, T., Ambrosio, A. F., & Relvas, J. B. (2020, Jun). Microglia Dysfunction Caused by the Loss of Rhoa Disrupts Neuronal Physiology and Leads to Neurodegeneration [Article]. Cell Reports, 31(12), 28, Article Unsp 107796. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2020.107796


Título: The retinoid X receptor: a nuclear receptor that modulates the sleep-wake cycle in rats

Revista: Psychopharmacology

JCR:  3.130 (2019)

Referência bibliográfica:  Murillo-Rodriguez, E., Mill?n-Aldaco, D., Arankowsky-Sandoval, G., Yamamoto, T., Cid, L., Monteiro, D., Rocha, N. B., Telles-Correia, D., Teixeira, D. S., Veras, A. B., Budde, H., Machado, S., Imperatori, C., & Torterolo, P. (2020, Jul). The retinoid X receptor: a nuclear receptor that modulates the sleep-wake cycle in rats [Article]. Psychopharmacology, 237(7), 2055-2073. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00213-020-05518-8


Título: Is Redshirting Beneficial for Reading Acquisition Success?

Revista: Frontiers in Psychology

JCR: 2.723  (2019)

Referência bibliográfica: Sucena, A., Marques, C., Silva, A. F., Garrido, C., & Pimenta, R. (2020, Jun). Is Redshirting Beneficial for Reading Acquisition Success? [Article]. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 8, Article 1165. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01165


eye_magazineTítulo: Microperimetry and mfERG as functional measurements in diabetic macular oedema undergoing intravitreal ranibizumab treatment

Revista: EYE

JCR: 2.455 (2019)

Referência bibliográfica: Santos, A. R., Raimundo, M., Alves, D., Lopes, M., Pestana, S., Figueira, J., Cunha-Vaz, J., & Silva, R. Microperimetry and mfERG as functional measurements in diabetic macular oedema undergoing intravitreal ranibizumab treatment [Article; Early Access]. Eye, 9. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41433-020-1054-2


O objetivo deste trabalho foi disponibilizar dados normativos para a população Portuguesa de cinco testes neuropsicológicos, frequentemente utizados para avaliar a atenção e as funções executivas. É ainda disponibilizada uma calculadora de dados normativos, derivados dos resultados dos modelos de regressão. O estudo resultou de um grupo international que se tem dedicado à avaliação e à reabilitação neuropsicológica, procurando melhorar os instrumentos de avaliação e as ferramentas de intervenção disponíveis.

Titulo: Normative data for tests of attention and executive functions in a sample of European Portuguese adult population

Revista: Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition

JCR: 1.750 (2019)

Referência bibliográfica: Vicente, S. G., Rivera, D., Barbosa, F., Gaspar, N., Dores, A. R., Mascialino, G., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2020). Normative data for tests of attention and executive functions in a sample of European Portuguese adult population. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/13825585.2020.1781768



Insights on Ultrafiltration-Based Separation for the Purification and Quantification of Methotrexate in Nanocarriers

Revista:  Molecules

JCR: 3.060 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Marques, S. S., Ramos, II, Fernandes, S. R., Barreiros, L., Lima, S. A. C., Reis, S., Domingues, M. R. M., & Segundo, M. A. (2020, Apr). Insights on Ultrafiltration-Based Separation for the Purification and Quantification of Methotrexate in Nanocarriers [Article]. Molecules, 25(8), 15, Article 1879. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25081879


Titulo: Mineral Composition of Subcritical Water Extracts of Saccorhiza Polyschides, a Brown Seaweed Used as Fertilizer in the North of Portugal

Revista:  Journal of Marine Science and Engineering

JCR: 1.732 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Soares, C., Svarc-Gajic, J., Oliva-Teles, M. T., Pinto, E., Nastic, N., Savic, S., Almeida, A., & Delerue-Matos, C. (2020, Apr). Mineral Composition of Subcritical Water Extracts of Saccorhiza Polyschides, a Brown Seaweed Used as Fertilizer in the North of Portugal [Article]. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 8(4), 11, Article 244. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse8040244


Titulo: Who worries about specific phobias? - A population-based study of risk factors

Revista:  Journal of Psychiatric Research

JCR:  3.917 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Coelho, C. M., Goncalves-Bradley, D., & Zsido, A. N. (2020, Jul). Who worries about specific phobias? - A population-based study of risk factors [Article]. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 126, 67-72. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpsychires.2020.05.001


Titulo: Oxidative Stress Modulation and Radiosensitizing Effect of Quinoxaline-1,4-Dioxides Derivatives.

Revista: Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry

JCR:  2.180 (2018)

Referência:  Silva, L., Coelho, P., Teixeira, D., Monteiro, A., Pinto, G., Soares, R., … Vieira, M. (2020). Oxidative Stress Modulation and Radiosensitizing Effect of Quinoxaline-1,4-Dioxides Derivatives. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry20(1), 111–120. https://doi.org/10.2174/1871520619666191028091547


Titulo: Tolerance to arsenic contaminant among multidrug‐resistant and copper‐tolerant Salmonella successful clones is associated with diverse ars operons and genetic contexts

Revista: Environmental Microbiology

JCR: 5.147 (2018)

Referência: Mourão, J., Rebelo, A., Ribeiro, S., Peixe, L., Novais, C., & Antunes, P. (2020). Tolerance to arsenic contaminant among multidrug‐resistant and copper‐tolerant  Salmonella  successful clones is associated with diverse ars operons and genetic contexts. Environmental Microbiology, 1462-2920.15016. https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15016


Titulo: Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Ionic Liquids and Organic Salts Based on Penicillin G and Amoxicillin hydrolysate Derivatives against Resistant Bacteria

Revista: Pharmaceutics

JCR:  4.773 (2018)

Referência: Ferraz, R., Silva, D., Dias, A. R., Dias, V., Santos, M. M., Pinheiro, L., … Branco, L. C. (2020). Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Ionic Liquids and Organic Salts Based on Penicillin G and Amoxicillin hydrolysate Derivatives against Resistant Bacteria. Pharmaceutics12(3), 221. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics12030221


Foi publicado na revista “Safety Science” um artigo da autoria de Matilde Rodrigues (docente na Área Técnico-Científica da Saúde Ambiental e investigadora do CISA), em colaboração com investigadores de outros centros de investigação, que teve como objetivo identificar os fatores que influenciam o desempenho de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho em micro e pequenas empresas do setor de gestão de resíduos. O estudo envolveu 66 empresas do setor. 

Titulo: Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management practices in micro- and small-sized enterprises: The case of the Portuguese waste management sector. 

Revista: Safety Science

 Fator de impacto: 3,619 (2018)

Referência: Rodrigues, M. A., Sá, A., Masi, D., Oliveira, A., Boustras, G., Leka, S., & Guldenmund, F. (2020). Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management practices in micro- and small-sized enterprises: The case of the Portuguese waste management sector. Safety Science129, 104794. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.104794


No passado dia 21 de maio, foi publicada na revista “Human Movement Science” um artigo científico da autoria de Inês Mesquita (docente de Ciências Funcionais e investigadora do Centro de Investigação em Reabilitação (CIR)), Cláudia Silva (docente de Fisioterapia e investigadora do CIR) e Ana Rita Pinheiro (investigadora do CIR). Nesta publicação, é feita a análise cinemática dos membros superiores de adultos saudáveis em duas tarefas da vida diária com diferentes requisitos manuais.

Titulo: Comparison of upper limb kinematics in two activities of daily living with different handling requirements

Revista: Human Movement Science

JCR: 1.928 (2018)

Referência: Mesquita, I. A., Fonseca, P. F. P. da, Borgonovo-Santos, M., Ribeiro, E., Pinheiro, A. R. V., Correia, M. V., & Silva, C. (2020). Comparison of upper limb kinematics in two activities of daily living with different handling requirements. Human Movement Science72, 102632. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2020.102632


Este artigo, publicado em Maio de 2020 na Frontiers in Psychology, reflete mais um resultado da investigação que o Grupo  Stress e Emoções do Laboratório de Reabilitação Psicossocial da Escola Superior de Saúde do Politécnico do Porto e da Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto têm vindo a desenvolver ao longo dos anos, relacionado com a avaliação, monitorização e desenvolvimento de estratégias de  gestão de stress e burnout em profissionais que intervém em incidentes críticos, no caso particular das forças policiais. 

Titulo: Burnout and Stress Measurement in Police Officers: Literature Review and a Study With the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire

Revista: Frontiers in Psychology

JCR: 2.129 (2018)

Referência Bibliográfica: Queirós, C., Passos, F., Bártolo, A., Marques, A. J., da Silva, C. F., & Pereira, A. (2020). Burnout and Stress Measurement in Police Officers: Literature Review and a Study With the Operational Police Stress Questionnaire. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00587

Foi publicado na revista “Journal of Cleaner Production” um artigo da autoria de Matilde Rodrigues (docente na Área Técnico-Científica da Saúde Ambiental e investigadora do CISA), em colaboração com investigadores de outros centros de investigação, que teve como objetivo analisar a influência dos Sistemas Integrados de Gestão na melhoria do processo de gestão de risco da SST. Foi realizado um estudo de caso numa empresa municipal do setor de gestão de resíduos.

Titulo: Integrated management systems as a key facilitator of occupational health and safety risk management: A case study in a medium sized waste management firm

Revista: Journal of Cleaner Production

JCR: 6,395 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Ramos, D., Afonso, P., Rodrigues, M.A. (2020). Integrated management systems as a key facilitator of occupational  health and safety risk management: A case study in a medium sized waste management firm. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262, 121346. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121346


Foi publicado na revista “Molecules”o estudo sobre o efeito antiproliferativo do composto Norhierridin B. Este composto, sintetizado em laboratório e tendo por base o composto Hierridina B isolado de uma cianobactéria marinha, induziu citotoxicicidade na linha celular tumoral de mama triplo-negativo TNBC, revelando assim um potencial anticancerígeno.

Titulo: Norhierridin B, a New Hierridin B-Based Hydroquinone with Improved Antiproliferative Activity

Revista: Molecules  

JCR: 3.060 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Brandão, P., Moreira, J., Almeida, J., Nazareth, N., Sampaio-Dias, I. E., Vasconcelos, V., … Cidade, H. (2020). Norhierridin B, a New Hierridin B-Based Hydroquinone with Improved Antiproliferative Activity. Molecules 2020, Vol. 25, Page 1578, 25(7), 1578. https://doi.org/10.3390/MOLECULES25071578


Titulo: RELEASE: a protocol for a systematic review based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis, of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia

Revista: Aphasiology

JCR: 1.669 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Brady, M. C., Ali, M., VandenBerg, K., Williams, L. J., Williams, L. R., Abo, M., … Wright, H. H. (2020). RELEASE: a protocol for a systematic review based, individual participant data, meta- and network meta-analysis, of complex speech-language therapy interventions for stroke-related aphasia. Aphasiology, 34(2), 137–157. https://doi.org/10.1080/02687038.2019.1643003


Titulo: Effects on Volume Load and Ratings of Perceived Exertion in Individuals Advanced Weight-Training After Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation

Revista: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

JCR: 3.017 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Lattari, E., Rosa Filho, B. J., Fonseca Junior, S. J., Murillo-Rodriguez, E., Rocha, N., Machado, S., & Maranhão Neto, G. A. (2020). Effects on Volume Load and Ratings of Perceived Exertion in Individualsʼ Advanced Weight Training After Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(1), 89–96. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000002434


Titulo: A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for people with schizophrenia applied by mental health nurses: Study protocol.

Revista: Journal of Advanced Nursing

JCR: 2.376 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Pinho, L. M. G., Sequeira, C. A. da C., Sampaio, F. M. C., Rocha, N. B., & Ferre‐Grau, C. (2020). A randomized controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of metacognitive training for people with schizophrenia applied by mental health nurses: Study protocol. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 76(1), 356–363. https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14240


Titulo: The Endocannabinoid System May Modulate Sleep Disorders in Aging

Revista:  Current Neuropharmacology

JCR: 4.568 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Murillo-Rodríguez, E., Budde, H., Veras, A. B., Rocha, N. B., Telles-Correia, D., Monteiro, D., … Torterolo, P. (2020). The Endocannabinoid System May Modulate Sleep Disorders in Aging. Current Neuropharmacology, 18(2), 97–108. https://doi.org/10.2174/1570159X17666190801155922


Titulo: Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve Muscle Power in Individuals With Advanced Weight-Training Experience?

Revista: Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

JCR:  3.017 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Lattari, E., Campos, C., Lamego, M. K., Legey, S., Neto, G. M., Rocha, N. B., … Machado, S. (2020). Can Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Improve Muscle Power in Individuals With Advanced Weight-Training Experience? Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 34(1), 97–103. https://doi.org/10.1519/JSC.0000000000001956


Titulo: Glittre Activities Daily Living Test: Physiological responses in patients with heart failure

Revista: European Journal of Preventive Cardiology

JCR: 5.640 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Almeida, M. P., Montanha, T., Marques, M., Silva, P. M., Viamonte, S., Ribeiro, F., & Santos, M. (2020). Glittre Activities Daily Living Test: Physiological responses in patients with heart failure. European Journal of Preventive Cardiologyhttps://doi.org/10.1177/2047487320911173


Titulo: Impact of adiposity on staging and prognosis of colorectal cancer

Revista: Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology

JCR: 5.012 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Silva, A., Faria, G., Araújo, A., & Monteiro, M. P. (2020). Impact of adiposity on staging and prognosis of colorectal cancer. Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 145. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.critrevonc.2019.102857


Titulo: Iodine-131 metabolic radiotherapy leads to cell death and genomic alterations through NIS overexpression on cholangiocarcinoma

Revista: International Journal of Oncology

JCR: 3.571 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Brito, A., Abrantes, A., Teixo, R., Pires, A., Ribeiro, A., Ferreira, R., … Botelho, M. (2020). Iodine‑131 metabolic radiotherapy leads to cell death and genomic alterations through NIS overexpression on cholangiocarcinoma. International Journal of Oncology, 56(3), 709–727. https://doi.org/10.3892/ijo.2020.4957


Titulo: Baseline predictors for visual acuity loss during observation in diabetic macular oedema with good baseline visual acuity

Revista: Acta Ophthalmologica

JCR:  3.153 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Busch, C., Okada, M., Zur, D., Fraser‐Bell, S., Rodríguez‐Valdés, P. J., Cebeci, Z., … Rehak, M. (2020). Baseline predictors for visual acuity loss during observation in diabetic macular oedema with good baseline visual acuity. Acta Ophthalmologicahttps://doi.org/10.1111/aos.14390


Foi publicada na revista “Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness” um artigo original da autoria de Nuno Miguel Silva Duarte (docente de Farmácia - ESS | P. Porto), Agostinho Cruz (Coordenador da Área Científica de Farmácia - ESS | P. Porto, Coordenador do CISA), Diogo C. F. Silva (docente de Ciências Funcionais e investigador do Centro de Investigação em Reabilitação (CIR)) e Graça Cruz (docente de Farmácia - ESS | P. Porto). Este artigo consiste num estudo clínico randomizado que analisa os efeitos da suplementação com proteína isolada Whey sobre a massa muscular e força muscular de indivíduos adultos a realizar treino de resistência durante 12 semanas.

Titulo: Intake of whey isolate supplement and muscle mass gains in young healthy adults when combined with resistance training: a blinded randomized clinical trial (pilot study)

Revista: Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness

JCR:  1.302 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica  Duarte, N. M., Cruz, A. L., Silva, D. C., & Cruz, G. M. (2020). Intake of whey isolate supplement and muscle mass gains in young healthy adults when combined with resistance training: a blinded randomized clinical trial (pilot study). The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 60(1), 75–84. https://doi.org/10.23736/S0022-4707.19.09741-X


Foi publicado na revista” Molecules” um estudo da autoria de Ricardo Ferraz (CISA - ESS | P. PORTO e LAQV-REQUIMTE), Cristina Prudêncio (i3S-UP e CISA - ESS | P. PORTO e Cátia Teixeira (LAQV-REQUIMTE e ESS | P. PORTO). Neste trabalho, em colaboração com Paula Gomes do LAQV-REQUIMTE da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto , demonstrou-se que se pode recuperar fármacos e redirecioná-los para tratar outras doenças.

Titulo: Cinnamic Acid Conjugates in the Rescuing and Repurposing of Classical Antimalarial Drugs

Revista: Molecules

JCR: 3.060 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Silva, A. T., Bento, C. M., Pena, A. C., Figueiredo, L. M., Prudêncio, C., Aguiar, L., … Gomes, P. (2020). Cinnamic Acid Conjugates in the Rescuing and Repurposing of Classical Antimalarial Drugs. Molecules, 25(1), 66. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25010066


Foi publicado na revista “Aquatic Toxicology” um artigo da autoria do Prof. Edgar Pinto (docente na ATC de Saúde Ambiental), em colaboração com investigadores de outros centros de investigação e universidades, sobre os efeitos de nanopartículas de ouro (AuNPs) no proteoma hepático da dourada (Sparus aurata). A exposição dos peixes a AuNPs afetou várias vias metabólicas nas células hepáticas de S. aurata. Entre as proteínas afetadas estavam as relacionadas com o citoesqueleto e estrutura celular, gliconeogénese e metabolismo de aminoácidos.

Titulo: Effects of gold nanoparticles in gilthead seabream - A proteomic approach

Revista: Aquatic Toxicology


JCR:  3.794 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Barreto, A., Carvalho, A., Campos, A., Osório, H., Pinto, E., Almeida, A., … Oliveira, M. (2020). Effects of gold nanoparticles in gilthead seabream—A proteomic approach. Aquatic Toxicology, 221, 105445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105445 


Foi publicado um artigo no journal of cosmetic and dermatology  intitulado “Effect of an aerobic exercise session combined with abdominal radiofrequency on lipolytic activity in women: Randomized control trial”  com a autoria de  Andreia Noites, Ana Luísa Vale, Ana Sofia Pereira, Andreia Morais, Rui Vilarinho, Paulo Carvalho, Manuela Amorim, Teresa Moreira e Adriana Mendonça, no âmbito da linha de investigação de Fisioterapia Dermatofuncional no Sistema Metabólico e Tegumentar da ATC de Fisioterapia e do Centro de Investigação em Reabilitação.

Título: Effect of an aerobic exercise session combined with abdominal radiofrequency on lipolytic activity in women: Randomized control trial

Revista: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

JCR:  1.311 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Noites, A., Vale, A. L., Pereira, A. S., Morais, A., Vilarinho, R., Carvalho, P., … Mendonça, A. (2020). Effect of an aerobic exercise session combined with abdominal radiofrequency on lipolytic activity in women: Randomized control trial. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 19(3), 638–645. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.13056 


Foi publicado um artigo no journal of cosmetic and dermatology intitulado “Effect of four sessions of aerobic exercise with abdominal radiofrequency in adipose tissue in healthy women: Randomized control trial.”  com a autoria de Ana Luísa Vale, Ana Sofia Pereira, Andreia Morais, Paulo Carvalho, Rui Vilarinho, Adriana Mendonça e Andreia Noites, no âmbito da linha de investigação de Fisioterapia Dermatofuncional no Sistema Metabólico e Tegumentar da ATC de Fisioterapia e do Centro de Investigação em Reabilitação.

Título: Effect of four sessions of aerobic exercise with abdominal radiofrequency in adipose tissue in healthy women: Randomized control trial

Revista: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

JCR: 1.311 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Vale, A. L., Pereira, A. S., Morais, A., de Carvalho, P., Vilarinho, R., Mendonça, A., & Noites, A. (2020). Effect of four sessions of aerobic exercise with abdominal radiofrequency in adipose tissue in healthy women: Randomized control trial. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology, 19(2), 359–367. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.13036


O efeito near-miss refere-se a uma situação de quase ganho ou perda por pouco em jogos de azar. Este estudo analisa os correlatos eletrofisiológicos de quatro resultados distintos do jogo, numa tarefa de slot-machine virtual, de modo a perceber o papel deste efeito na promoção de comportamento de jogo problemático e patológico.

Título: Electrophysiological Correlates of the Near-Miss Effect in Gambling

Revista: Journal of Gambling Studies

JCR: 2.555 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Dores, A. R., Rocha, A., Paiva, T., Carvalho, I. P., Geraldo, A., Griffiths, M. D., & Barbosa, F. (2020). Neurophysiological Correlates of the Near-Miss Effect in Gambling. Journal of Gambling Studieshttps://doi.org/10.1007/s10899-020-09937-2


Foi publicado na revista “Early Intervention in Psychiatry” um estudo da autoria de Nuno Rocha (investigador integrado e sub-diretor do Centro de Investigação em Reabilitação) e de Carlos Campos (investigador colaborador do Centro de Investigação em Reabilitação) que analisou o efeito de um programa de reabilitação da cognição social em pessoas com episódio recente de psicose. Concluiu-se que esta forma de intervenção pode ter efeitos importantes na redução de vieses atributivos e na melhoria da funcionalidade.

Título: Social cognition and interaction training for recent-onset schizophrenia: A preliminary randomized trial

Revista: Early Intervention in Psychiatry

JCR: 3.323 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica:  Rocha, N. B., Campos, C., Figueiredo, J. M., Saraiva, S., Almeida, C., Moreira, C., … Roberts, D. (2020). Social cognition and interaction training for recent‐onset schizophrenia: A preliminary randomized trial. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, eip.12944. https://doi.org/10.1111/eip.12944 


O presente artigo pretendeu avaliar o perfil de elementos minerais essenciais e não-essenciais/tóxicos em suplementos à base de proteína de soro de leite, amplamente usados em contexto desportivo. Foram analisadas cerca de 50 amostras de suplementos à venda em lojas físicas e lojas online (web), perfazendo uma amostra representativa deste tipo de produtos no mercado português. Relativamente à presença de elementos potencialmente tóxicos (As, Cd, Pb e Hg), estes produtos podem ser considerados seguros.

Título: Essential and non-essential/toxic trace elements in whey protein supplements

Revista:  Journal of Food Composition and Analysis

JCR: 2.994 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Pinto, E., Ferreira, I. M. P. L. V. O., & Almeida, A. (2020). Essential and non-essential/toxic trace elements in whey protein supplements. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 86, 103383. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2019.103383


No âmbito do Projeto ONCONEEM, foi publicado na revista “Molecules” um artigo da autoria de Teresa Braga (bolseira de investigação post-doc do CISA), Lídia Rocha, Tsz Yan Chung (bolseiras de investigação mestre do CISA), Rita Oliveira, Cláudia Pinho, Ana Oliveira (investigadoras do CISA e docentes na ATC de Farmácia), Joaquim Morgado (CEO da Bio4Life4You e representante da WNO) e Agostinho Cruz (Coordenador da Área Científica de Farmácia - ESS | P. Porto, Coordenador do CISA). Esta publicação apresenta uma revisão crítica da literatura baseada nas diferentes atividades biológicas descritas para a gedunina, o seu efeito terapêutico em algumas doenças humanas e sugere futuras linhas orientadoras de investigação para este composto natural.

Título: Biological Activities of Gedunin-A Limonoid from the Meliaceae Family

Revista: Molecules

JCR: 3.060 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Braga, T. M., Rocha, L., Chung, T. Y., Oliveira, R. F., Pinho, C., Oliveira, A. I., … Cruz, A. (2020). Biological Activities of Gedunin—A Limonoid from the Meliaceae Family. Molecules, 25(3), 493. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules25030493


Foi publicado na revista “Science of The Total Environment” um artigo científico da autoria do Prof. Edgar Pinto (ESS | P.PORTO - ATC de Saúde Ambiental), em colaboração com investigadores de outros centros de investigação e universidades, sobre a bioacumulação e os efeitos biológicos (comportamento, neurotransmissão, biotransformação, stress oxidativo e genotoxicidade) do metal Au, na forma de nanopartícula e na forma iónica, no modelo animal Sparus aurata. Os resultados obtidos contribuem para aprofundar o conhecimento sobre os efeitos das nanopartículas metálicas no ambiente.

Título: Biological effects and bioaccumulation of gold in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) – Nano versus ionic form

Revista: Science of The Total Environment

JCR: 5.589 (2018)

Referência bibliográfica: Barreto, A., Dias, A., Duarte, B., Pinto, E., Almeida, A., Trindade, T., … Oliveira, M. (2020). Biological effects and bioaccumulation of gold in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) – Nano versus ionic form. Science of The Total Environment, 716, 137026. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137026 


Recently, kinematic analysis of the drinking task (DRINK) has been recommended to assess the quality of upper limb (UL) movement after stroke, but the accomplishment of this task may become difficult for poststroke patients with hand impairment. Therefore, it is necessary to study ADLs that involve a simpler interaction with a daily life target, such as the turning on a light task (LIGHT). As the knowledge of movement performed by healthy adults becomes essential to assess the quality of movement of poststroke patients, the main goal of this article was to compare the kinematic strategies used by healthy adults in LIGHT with those that are used in DRINK. 63 adults, aged 30 to 69 years old, drank water and turned on a light, using both ULs separately, while seated. The movements of both tasks were captured by a 3D motion capture system. End-point and joint kinematics of reaching and returning phases were analysed. A multifactorial analysis of variance with repeated measures was applied to the kinematic metrics, using age, sex, body mass index and dominance as main factors. Mean and peak velocities, index of curvature, shoulder flexion and elbow extension were lower in LIGHT, which suggests that the real hand trajectory was smaller in this task. In LIGHT, reaching was less smooth and returning was smoother than DRINK. The instant of peak velocity was similar in both tasks. There was a minimal anterior trunk displacement in LIGHT, and a greater anterior trunk displacement in DRINK. Age and sex were the main factors which exerted effect on some of the kinematics, especially in LIGHT. The different target formats and hand contact in DRINK and LIGHT seem to be responsible for differences in velocity profile, efficiency, smoothness, joint angles and trunk displacement. Results suggest that the real hand trajectory was smaller in LIGHT and that interaction with the switch seems to be less demanding than with the glass. Accordingly, LIGHT could be a good option for the assessment of poststroke patients without grasping ability. Age and sex seem to be the main factors to be considered in future studies for a better match between healthy and poststroke adults.

Título: Comparison of upper limb kinematics in two activities of daily living with different handling requirements

Revista: Human Movement Science

JCR: 2.161 (2020)

Referência bibliográfica: Mesquita, I. A., Fonseca, P. F. P. d., Borgonovo-Santos, M., Ribeiro, E., Pinheiro, A. R. V., Correia, M. V., & Silva, C. (2020). Comparison of upper limb kinematics in two activities of daily living with different handling requirements. Human Movement Science, 72, 102632. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.humov.2020.102632


The principal goal of this study was to produce adjusted normative data for European Portuguese native speakers from Portugal on 2 neuropsychological tests widely used to assess learning and memory: the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised (HVLT-R) and the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF). The study included 300 individuals aged 18–92 years (M = 50.4, SD = 21.2), who had educational backgrounds ranging from 3 to 25 years (M = 10.4, SD = 5.2). Age, education, and sex were significantly associated with HVLT-R and ROCF performance. These demographic variables accounted for 61% of the variance in HVLT-R total recall, 54% in HVLT-R delayed recall, 18% in HVLT-R recognition, 55% in ROCF copy, and 39% in ROCF immediate recall.  The normative data are presented as regression-based algorithms to adjust direct and derived test scores for age, education, and sex. This study provides a calculator of normative data derived from the results of the regression models.

Título: Regression-Based Norms for the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised and the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure in a Portuguese Adult Population

Revista: Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology

JCR: 2.813 (2020)

Referência bibliográfica: Vicente, S. G., Ramos-Usuga, D., Barbosa, F., Gaspar, N., Dores, A. R., Rivera, D., & Arango-Lasprilla, J. C. (2020). Regression-Based Norms for the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised and the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure in a Portuguese Adult Population. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 36(4), 587-596. https://doi.org/10.1093/arclin/acaa087

Abdominal adiposity is a cardiovascular risk factor; it is assumed that the combination of radiofrequency and physical exercise may decrease this excess of adipose tissue. To understand whether an aerobic physical exercise session associated with abdominal radiofrequency increases the level of lipolytic activity. The study analyzes the effect of a combined aerobic exercise session with radiofrequency. Participants were 30 healthy female volunteers, aged 18-28 years, randomly assigned to an experimental group and placebo group. They were characterized by a sociodemographic questionnaire, the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Food Frequency Questionnaire. The groups performed an abdominal radiofrequency session followed by moderate aerobic exercise, assessing glycerol concentration and lipid profile values before and after the intervention. In the experimental group, a percentage of potency was used that allowed to maintain the temperature between 40º C and 42º C to the epidermis. In the placebo group, the power of the radiofrequency was 0 Watt. To compare results, Student's t test was used for a significance level of 0.05. There were no significant changes in glycerol concentrations between groups (P > 0.05). There were no changes in the lipid profile of both groups after the intervention (P > 0.05). The association of exercise with radiofrequency did not present an increased effect on lipolytic activity when compared to the isolated exercise. The application of this technique is a safe intervention.

Título: Effect of an aerobic exercise session combined with abdominal radiofrequency on lipolytic activity in women: Randomized control trial

Revista: Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology

JCR: 2.696 (2019)

Referência Bibliográfica: Noites, A., et al. (2020). "Effect of an aerobic exercise session combined with abdominal radiofrequency on lipolytic activity in women: Randomized control trial." Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology 19(3): 638-645.


Cinnamic acids are compounds of natural origin that can be found in many different parts of a wide panoply of plants, where they play the most diverse biological roles, often in a conjugated form. For a long time, this has been driving Medicinal Chemists towards the investigation of the therapeutic potential of natural, semi-synthetic, or fully synthetic cinnamic acid conjugates. These efforts have been steadily disclosing promising drug leads, but a wide chemical space remains that deserves to be further explored. Amongst different reported approaches, the combination or conjugation of cinnamic acids with known drugs has been addressed in an attempt to produce either synergistic or multi-target action. In this connection, the present review will focus on efforts of the past decade regarding conjugation with cinnamic acids as a tool for the rescuing or the repurposing of classical antimalarial drugs, and also on future perspectives in this particular field of research. 

Título: Cinnamic Acid Conjugates in the Rescuing and Repurposing of Classical Antimalarial Drugs

Revista: Molecules

JCR: 4.412 (2020)

Referência Bibliográfica: Silva, A. T., et al. (2020). "Cinnamic Acid Conjugates in the Rescuing and Repurposing of Classical Antimalarial Drugs." Molecules 25(1): 66.


To characterize 2-year changes occurring in neurodegeneration, edema, and capillary dropout in nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy. Two-year prospective longitudinal observational cohort of eyes/patients with type 2 diabetes using spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) and optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA). Eyes were examined three times with intervals of 1 year. Thickness of the full retina and layer-by-layer measurements were used to identify edema or neurodegeneration. OCTA vessel density maps of the retina were used to identify capillary dropout. Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) classification was performed using the seven-field ETDRS protocol. A total of 62 eyes from 62 patients with diabetes were followed for 2 years. After verification for image quality, a total of 44 eyes from 44 patients (30% women) aged 52 to 80 years were retained for data analysis. There were 18 eyes with ETDRS grades 10 to 20, 17 eyes with ETDRS grade 35, and 9 eyes with ETDRS grades 43 to 47. During the 2-year follow-up period, there was a progressive increase in capillary dropout, whereas edema and neurodegeneration remained stable. In multivariate analysis, considering a model adjusted for age, sex, hemoglobin A1C, visual acuity, and diabetes duration, vessel density remained significantly different between Diabetic Retinopathy Severity Scale groups (Wilks’ λ = 0.707; P = 0.015) showing association with disease progression. Capillary dropout increased in a period of 2 years in eyes with minimal, mild, and moderate diabetic retinopathy, whereas the presence of edema and neurodegeneration remained stable.

Título: Characterization of Disease Progression in the Initial Stages of Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study

Revista: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science

JCR: 4.799 (2020)

Referência Bibliográfica: Marques, I. P., et al. (2020). "Characterization of Disease Progression in the Initial Stages of Retinopathy in Type 2 Diabetes: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study." Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 61(3): 20-20.


Tipo: Póster

Título: The SHiP timing detector based on MRPC

Revista: Journal of Instrumentation

JCR: 1.415 (2019)

Referência Bibliográfica: Blanco, A., et al. (2020). "The SHiP timing detector based on MRPC." Journal of Instrumentation 15(10): C10017-C10017.


Título: How can Environmental Health Practitioners contribute to ensure population safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Revista: Safety Science

JCR (2019): 4.105

Referência bibliográfica: Rodrigues, M. A., Silva, M. V., Errett, N. A., Davis, G., Lynch, Z., Dhesi, S., Hannelly, T., Mitchell, G., Dyjack, D., & Ross, K. E. (2020, 2020/12/26/). How can Environmental Health Practitioners contribute to ensure population safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic? Safety Science, 105136. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2020.105136


Título: Promoting Reminiscences with Virtual Reality Headsets: A Pilot Study with People with Dementia

Revista: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

JCR (2019): 2.849

Referência bibliográfica: Coelho, T., Marques, C., Moreira, D., Soares, M., Portugal, P., Marques, A., Ferreira, A. R., Martins, S., & Fernandes, L. (2020). Promoting Reminiscences with Virtual Reality Headsets: A Pilot Study with People with Dementia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), 9301. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/17/24/9301



Título: Assessing the efficacy and feasibility of providing metacognitive training for patients with schizophrenia by mental health nurses: A randomized controlled trial

 Revista: Journal of Advanced Nursing

JCR (2019): 2.561

Referência bibliográfica: de Pinho, L. M. G., Sequeira, C. A. d. C., Sampaio, F. M. C., Rocha, N. B., Ozaslan, Z., & Ferre-Grau, C. (2020, 2020/11/22). Assessing the efficacy and feasibility of providing metacognitive training for patients with schizophrenia by mental health nurses: A randomized controlled trial [https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14627]. Journal of Advanced Nursing, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1111/jan.14627


Título: On the nature of fear and anxiety triggered by COVID-19

Revista: Frontiers in Psychology

 JCR (2019): 2.067

Referência bibliográfica: Coelho, C. M., Suttiwan, P., Arato, N., & Zsido, A. N. (2020, 2020-November-09). On the Nature of Fear and Anxiety Triggered by COVID-19 [Review]. Frontiers in Psychology, 11(3109). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.581314


Título: Response to: Models and theoretical frameworks for osteopathic care - A critical view and call for updates and research

Revista: International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine

JCR (2019): 1.208

Referência bibliográfica: Santiago, R., Campos, B., Moita, J., & Nunes, A. (2020, 2020/09/01/). Response to: Models and theoretical frameworks for osteopathic care - A critical view and call for updates and research. International Journal of Osteopathic Medicine, 37, 52-53. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijosm.2020.07.001


Título: Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) as a potential therapeutic Strategy in COVID-19 Patients: Literature Research

Revista: Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology

 JCR (2019): 5.201

Referência bibliográfica: Coelho, A., Alvites, R. D., Branquinho, M. V., Guerreiro, S. G., & Maurício, A. C. (2020, 2020-November-19). Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) as a Potential Therapeutic Strategy in COVID-19 Patients: Literature Research [Review]. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 8(1392). https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2020.602647


Título: 4,9-Diaminoacridines and 4-Aminoacridines as Dual-Stage Antiplasmodial Hits

Revista: ChemMedChem

 JCR (2019): 3.124

Referência bibliográfica: Fonte, M., Tassi, N., Fontinha, D., Bouzón-Arnáiz, I., Ferraz, R., Araújo, M. J., Fernàndez-Busquets, X., Prudêncio, M., Gomes, P., & Teixeira, C. (2020, 2020/11/20). 4,9-Diaminoacridines and 4-Aminoacridines as Dual-Stage Antiplasmodial Hits [https://doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.202000740]. ChemMedChem, n/a(n/a). https://doi.org/10.1002/cmdc.202000740 


Título: Resolution of chronic lower back pain symptoms through high-intensity therapeutic exercise and motor imagery program: a case-report

Revista: Physiotherapy Theory and Practice

 JCR (2019): 1.624

Referência bibliográfica: Ribas, J., Gomes, M. A., Montes, A. M., Ribas, C., & Duarte, J. A. (2020). Resolution of chronic lower back pain symptoms through high-intensity therapeutic exercise and motor imagery program: a case-report. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/09593985.2020.1839985


Título: Abdominal muscle activity and pelvic motion according to active straight leg raising test results in adults with and without chronic low back pain

Revista: Musculoskeletal Science and Practice

JCR (2019): 1.911 

Referência bibliográfica: Crasto, C., Montes, A. M., Carvalho, P., & Carral, J. M. C. (2020, 2020/12/01/). Abdominal muscle activity and pelvic motion according to active straight leg raising test results in adults with and without chronic low back pain. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 50, 102245. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msksp.2020.102245


Este estudo analisou o impacto da pandemia na motivação académica de alunos portugueses e italianos do 1.º ao 9.º ano, recorrendo aos pais como informantes. Os resultados mostraram que a motivação dos alunos diminuiu durante o confinamento. Este decréscimo foi mais acentuado em alunos italianos e mais novos. O estudo indicou também que uma menor participação em atividades extracurriculares durante o confinamento estava associada ao declínio da motivação académica.

Título: Parents’ perceptions of student academic motivation during the COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-cultural comparison

Revista: Frontiers in Psychology

JCR (2019): 2.067

Referência bibliográfica: Zaccoletti, S.*, Camacho, A.*, Correia, N., Aguiar, C., Mason, L., Alves, R. A., & Daniel, J. R. (2020). Parents’ perceptions of student academic motivation during the COVID-19 lockdown: A cross-country comparison. Frontiers in Psychology11(3602). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.592670 *Joint first authors 

Combined Shape
