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Electrical and Computer Engineering

BSc: 3 years (180 ECTS units)Electrical engineering allows us to develop equipment and systems that process information, communicate and interact with other humans and the environment. The ...

BSc: 3 years ( 180 ECTS units ) Electrical engineering allows us to develop equipment and systems that process information, communicate and interact with other humans and the environment. The development of smart sensors and nanotechnology microchips, video-game consoles, mobile phones, laptops, social networking and wireless technologies or even drones and robotics for space exploration, are just some example of how electrical engineering is helping s us connect the world. With the BSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering, ISEP trains engineers to work with computers, robotics and telecommunications. The course has a strong practical component and provides a dynamic learning method. Students develop knowledge in science and explore emerging trends in electronic circuits, network technologies, automation and digital systems. In order to prepare graduates for a quick professional integration, students are challenged to develop their final project in companies or research groups. Recently, ISEP students conducted projects on underwater vehicles, control systems for submarines and robots, stratospheric probes, artificial vision, car navigation, remote control of dams, among other examples. Postgraduate Studies Graduate students can continue their specialization with the MSc in Electrical and Computer Engineering .


No. dispatch/concierge: 12 806/2006
1º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Linear Algebra and Analytic Geometry 1st Semester
Algorithmic and Programming 1st Semester
Experimental Physics 1st Semester
Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 1st Semester
Mathematics Laboratory 1 1st Semester
Mathematics I 1st Semester
Development of Computational Applications 2st Semester
Electromagnetism 2st Semester
Electronics I 2st Semester
Mathematics Laboratory 2 2st Semester
Mathematics II 2st Semester
Circuits Theory 2st Semester
2º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Electronics II 1st Semester
Statistics 1st Semester
Signals and Systems 1st Semester
Digital Systems I 1st Semester
Vibrations and Waves 1st Semester
Electric Machines 2st Semester
Computational Systems 2st Semester
Digital Systems II 2st Semester
Telecommunications 2st Semester
Systems Theory 2st Semester
3º Year
Curricular unit Period ECTS
Data Communication 1st Semester
Power Electronics 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 1st Semester
Project / Internship 1st Semester
Energy Systems and Renewable Energies 1st Semester
Instrumentation Systems 1st Semester
Electromechanical Systems 1st Semester
Management 2st Semester
Systems Project 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Erasmus Project/Internship 2st Semester
Project / Internship 2st Semester
Automation and Control (optional) 2st Semester
Organizational Behaviour (optional) 2st Semester
Satellite Communications (optional) 2st Semester
Interaction and Multimedia (optional) 2st Semester
Network Management and Interconnection (optional) 2st Semester
Aeronautics Communication Systems (optional) 2st Semester

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