"Avaliação da influência do calçado MBT nas estratégias de controlo postural e parâmetros hemodinâmicos periféricos"

Researchers - Rubim Santos, Andreia S. P. Sousa and Rui Macedo

Partners – School of Allied Health Sciences of Porto (ESTSP); Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP); MBT Ibérica

Budget - 5,000.00€

Funding Agency - MBT Ibérica

Duration – 2 years


MBT-ESTSP project was create with an international partnership between MBT Ibérica and the main goal was to evaluate the potentialities of wearing Masai Barefoot Technology (MBT) footwear. The results suggests that we can wear this type of footwear as a prophylactic measure, in a peripheral venous insufficiency point of view, as a postural control optimization measure, and gives indications to footwear industry that exists a new market to be explored.  


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